Friday, 10 February 2012

1970/71 Point Allocation

Last time we looked at the 1985/86 NHL Point Allocation results, in order to examine the upper limits of player performance. Wayne Greztky's 215-point season came in at a TPAK of 7.00. Now let's see how good Bobby Orr's +124 season, in 1970/71. Unsurprisingly, he was the best in the league that season:

ORR, BobbyBOS38020008.66.5-0.314.87.40
PLANTE, JacquesTORG5733620.
WHITE, BillCHI36917251.49.2-
ESPOSITO, PhilBOS58016007.81.1-
BUCYK, JohnBOS68016007.
PLAGER, BobSTL37218001.28.8-
KEON, DaveTOR57815605.
ROBERTS, JimmySTL37418501.98.1-
BELIVEAU, JeanMTL57214406.90.8-
COURNOYER, YvanMTL76713406.10.7-
HULL, BobbyCHI68016006.02.0-
TREMBLAY, J-CMTL37819504.25.5-
SELING, RodNYR37017501.77.0-
MAGNUSON, KeithCHI37819501.28.8-
SMITH, DallasBOS37518752.76.5-
CHEEVERS, GerryBOSG5834650.
ANGOTTI, LouCHI56713402.14.3-
PARK, BradNYR37017503.05.5-
NEILSON, JimNYR37919751.77.7-
SANDERSON, DerekBOS57314604.52.8-
WESTFALL, EdBOS78016004.03.4-
HODGE, KenBOS78016006.60.9-
ULLMAN, NormTOR57515005.51.1-
STAPLETON, PatCHI37819502.75.7-
RATELLE, JeanNYR58016005.51.4-
MIKITA, StanCHI57615204.71.7-

Orr and Gretzky, in their primes, probably put up 7.00 TPAK seasons as a matter of course, while other players can only dream of approaching that number once in their careers. We could call this the Gretzky-Orr Threshold, or maybe Gretzorr (which sounds like a hockey-themed Masters of the Universe villain, so maybe we shouldn't call it that). Let's stick with the Gretzky-Orr Threshold, and use it to see which historical players had this type of singular performance.


  1. Still can't believe the numbers Plante put up that year at that age...

    1. Agreed. Put to rest any doubt anyone might have had about his ability, playing behind the mighty Montreal defence.

  2. 14 teams in the NHL, and only 6 of them got players in the top 25.

    What are the odds that the top 25 players would be spread out over just 6 teams? In actuality wouldn't there be the odd Gilbert Perreault or Bobby Clarke sneaking on to the list?

    It could just be that there was very little parity in the league, but I suspect Bill White wouldn't have made the list had he played for the Golden Seals.

    1. Since we're dealing with hockey stats there's no way team performance will ever be entirely removed from an individual player's stats.

      I will say that the chance of the top 25 players belonging to 6 teams were much greater in 1970/71 than in, say, 1985/86. It's just four years after the great expansion. Parity is not a word you would use to describe the conditions of the NHL at this time.
